
Monday 11 December 2017

Reflection for 2017

reflection for 2017 

Being a student at Pt England School for 8 years now really taught me a lot. Now that my time here has almost come to an end I've learnt and been taught different things. 

One thing i'm most proud of was just finishing school off and getting to the end. When I started school I was really slack and I slept in classes too, I hardly came to school to start off with and if I did I would probably arrive after morning tea. So just me finishing school off as 3rd = Academic in year 8 is something i'm really proud of. 

An important lesson I've learnt is "Achieve your personal best"! What it means to me is carrying on with work or goals in college even when your friends or others are telling you to stop. It means focusing when your friends are playing games or it means keep playing even if the score isn't what you wanted. It basically means carrying on even when you feel like you really can't. 

I hope next year my attitude towards teachers change. I hope to stop taking reading and maths lessons for granted and trying to get out of class. Me being in intermediate I usually found every excuse to get out of class or if teachers were watching I'd do my work but as soon as they turned their back I was probably talking away. So I hope next year this all changes. 

I know college isn't easy but when times get rough I'll always remember the saying "Never give up"! It means a lot to me because it was here ever since I started primary, so me taking it to college makes me think I can achieve more even when I think I can't. 

Overall my time at Pt England has been a great experience. I've had ups and downs with students and teachers but I'm thankful for everyone that has helped me get through it all. Including some of my closest friends Lani, Suli, Rose, Venetia, Lia and heaps more. One of the teachers that has helped me the most is Mrs Tele'a, shes helped me get on with work and focus when I needed too and she believes that all of her students had potential. Lastly I have my family, who have and always will be right by my side to talk whenever I need. I wish the best for all the year 8's moving to college and for the year 7's who are next to lead the school!  

Tuesday 28 November 2017

RLWC 2017 - Mate Ma'a Tonga Letter

28 November 2017

Dear, Tonga RLWC 2017 Team 

I want to congratulate you all (Tonga RLWC 2017 Team) for making the semi-finals for this years RLWC going against England. It was a tough match and I think the game was a really fun game to watch. Even though it wasn't the result most of us wanted this game has really impacted a lot of fans and supporters from all around the world. 

What I enjoyed about the game mostly was the come-back after half time, I enjoyed watching the teamwork put onto the field that day and watching the team continue even when everyone thought they had no chance. I have learnt a lot about the supporters and also about how much it meant to everyone supporting Tonga what winning that game would've done. Your team has made a lot of people proud including the King of Tonga himself! I've learnt a lot myself including to keep going and never give up.  

Congratulations again!
Yours sincerely,



For this presentation we had to find 6 different emotions pair them with emojis and then find songs that when played made you feel that emotion. If you click the emojis on my presentation it will take you to the songs me and my partner Cameo thought were the best for it. 

Words Problems W6 & 7

These are my word problems I completed for this week. We had to complete a range of word problems and show out working out too. Overall I did problems like division, multiplication and much more. Here is what I learnt!

Tonga vs England || My opinions and perspectives

Here is my reading presentation for this week. It was based around the Tonga vs England game and all we had to do was read 3 articles, write what they were about and how you know. We had to give our opinions and at times we had to find proof of it. Go through my presentation to see what I thought about the articles and the game!

Friday 24 November 2017

Lunar craters

This was my animation I made last term. I had to show a question that had to do with space and answer that question using animation. I used the question I wonder why lunar craters exist? This is the answer I came up with, since I did this last term I wasn't able to add a voice over or any music. Heres what I came up with!

Monday 20 November 2017

Child tooth Decay

Here is my reading presentation on Dental Decay in New Zealand and the struggle not only kids go through but surgeons too. Children are having to wait in long waiting lists and surgeons are now stressing out. 3 articles talk on the same subject and have their different opinions. Read my presentation to find out whats happening around New Zealand with tooth decay.