In inquiry today we finished of working on floor planner, we made a design on a girls toilet that we would like near our block to stop us from having to walk far distances just to go to the toilet. We designed it using the app floor planner, we had to measure the height and width of the area we want the toilets to go. In our group we are currently working on painting the box to make it more sturdy.
I think overall we've been working as a team who uses time wisely. In our group we share our opinions so that when we share and show the class our finishing product we can all say we worked equally to get our project done. Here on the right is our completed floor planner design.
Here is my reading presentation for this week, our focus was on poems. We learnt new words and we also learnt how to understand what the poems actually meant. Something to work on would be using time wisely on shorter weeks. Read my presentation to find out what else I learnt.
This week for maths we've been focusing on Hundredths, we have been learning how to order them from smallest to largest also we've been learning about decimal words. Something I think I need to focus on is the houses in decimals. Here is my maths presentation.
Here is my reading presentation for last week. Last week was a short week as we only had 1 session for reading. We learnt about plays and poetry, comic strips and dialogues. Read my presentation to find out what else I learnt.
Today myself, Javan and Talita started planning our Inquiry modelling project which we call the "magical bathroom model". During this time we've been finding out about the prices and costs for the materials. Also we've been deciding where to put the toilets and showers. We have started the making of our model and we each had a job to do.
Talita started gathering information about how much money it would cost and me and Javan went around the block taking photos of where we thought the bathrooms should go. Here is where we decided to put the bathrooms. This is all our group had finished I think overall our group worked well together as a team.
Here is my early finishers work for this week, I learnt how to divide numbers to a decimal and also how to multiply. I also learnt more about the mean, mode, median and the range. Here is my completed presentation
Here is my maths presentation for this week, we learnt about probability. We also learnt about the mean, median, range and the mode.
This presentation is our home learning for and has been for the past 2 weeks, one of the things I learnt is that I need to spent more time on math whizz because at school we are sometimes hardly on. At home my goal is to spend at least 30 minutes a day. Here is my presentation.
Here is my reading presentation for this week. In this presentation we learnt about how to different countries (New Zealand & India) reuse waste to create Methane gas also about how they use this gas to cook with. Read my presentation to find out what I learnt.
Here is my complex sentences presentation. In this presentation we learnt about independent clauses (complete thought) and also dependent clauses (incomplete thought) too. We had to highlight the differences red and blue and here is what I came up with, read my presentation to find out what else I learnt.