This is a record of my time at Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand.
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Word Problems
In today's maths class we finished and started a whole presentation about Word Problems. We had to solve each word problem and then show how we got out answer. Something I think I need to word on is Fraction word problems, read my presentation to find out what our maths class learnt.
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Geometry Rockets
In maths today we have been focusing on Geometry and the 4 different angles we use in Geometry. We made a rocket using cubes and we then took photos of it putting them in the right boxes in our presentation. Look through my presentation to find out what else we learnt and the different angles too.
Monday, 28 August 2017
1) draw a 2D representation of a 3D model) draw a plan for the side, front and top view of a 3D model
In today's maths class we started doing Geometry. Our task was to draw a 2D representation of a 3D rocket made out of cubes. A part of the task was to take pictures of the rocket from 3 different perspectives <Top, Front and side> views. In our groups we then grabbed our maths books and using the squares on the pages we drew our own rocket ship and what it would look like from different angles.
Then using the cubes we made the 3D shapes that we drew on our pages. Here is a photo of my groups work and what we did. I look forward to learning more about Geometry and keeping my blog undated with even more geometry.
In today's maths class we started doing Geometry. Our task was to draw a 2D representation of a 3D rocket made out of cubes. A part of the task was to take pictures of the rocket from 3 different perspectives <Top, Front and side> views. In our groups we then grabbed our maths books and using the squares on the pages we drew our own rocket ship and what it would look like from different angles.
Then using the cubes we made the 3D shapes that we drew on our pages. Here is a photo of my groups work and what we did. I look forward to learning more about Geometry and keeping my blog undated with even more geometry.
Team 5 speeches
WALT - We are reviewing how to produce a quality blog post and comments.
Last Friday team 5 was holding a speech day. Three students from every literacy class were picked to stand in front of all of team 5 and also the students from the Pavilion year 3 & 4's and deliver their speech. Me being a chosen student really isn't easy so here is what I thought about the experience.
One of the speeches I found the most appealing was Amelia's, her speech stood out to me because of the subject and the different points she made. Her speech was about her Nana and the way she smiled even on the worst days like working as a janitor at her school, it was about knowing and finding out the reason behind her Nana smiling all the time even though cleaning toilets and floors isn't fun. She told us that the reason her Nana always had a smile on her face is because she loved seeing her grandchildren all the time. It wasn't about her job that made her so happy but the faces of her grandchildren and to me that is what a person to look up to sounds like.
The most entertaining to me was Mubashshir's. A speech about being president for a day and what he would do to make the world a better place. I think this was the most entertaining because not only was subject something good to talk about but he also added in actions that I really thought were funny. Like throwing his hands in the air when his name was pulled out of a box, or like pointing to the audience when some words were announced.
Something I would do to make my "How to look interested, when your not" speech even better is add more points and make sure that they're related to what most people do themselves when their in this situation. I would also work on my confidence and how to make myself stop laughing in between sentences or shaking. Last thing would be to memorise some of the lines more often rather then just staring down at cue cards.
Overall I think all of the speeches that were said on the day and the people that were chosen all did a good job. I think I could've done better and I look forward to learning more about Oral language and using it in the future.
Last Friday team 5 was holding a speech day. Three students from every literacy class were picked to stand in front of all of team 5 and also the students from the Pavilion year 3 & 4's and deliver their speech. Me being a chosen student really isn't easy so here is what I thought about the experience.
One of the speeches I found the most appealing was Amelia's, her speech stood out to me because of the subject and the different points she made. Her speech was about her Nana and the way she smiled even on the worst days like working as a janitor at her school, it was about knowing and finding out the reason behind her Nana smiling all the time even though cleaning toilets and floors isn't fun. She told us that the reason her Nana always had a smile on her face is because she loved seeing her grandchildren all the time. It wasn't about her job that made her so happy but the faces of her grandchildren and to me that is what a person to look up to sounds like.
The most entertaining to me was Mubashshir's. A speech about being president for a day and what he would do to make the world a better place. I think this was the most entertaining because not only was subject something good to talk about but he also added in actions that I really thought were funny. Like throwing his hands in the air when his name was pulled out of a box, or like pointing to the audience when some words were announced.
Something I would do to make my "How to look interested, when your not" speech even better is add more points and make sure that they're related to what most people do themselves when their in this situation. I would also work on my confidence and how to make myself stop laughing in between sentences or shaking. Last thing would be to memorise some of the lines more often rather then just staring down at cue cards.
Overall I think all of the speeches that were said on the day and the people that were chosen all did a good job. I think I could've done better and I look forward to learning more about Oral language and using it in the future.
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
GEGNZ Student Summit @ Ormiston junior college
Today the year 7 & 8 extension got the chance to attend a GEGNZ summit, at Ormiston Junior collge. Over 400 students came to show and participate in their own workshops.
We arrived half an hour early which means we got the opportunity to take a quick look around, when it was time we met in the auditorium. We were introduced to some people who made the day possible and we also talked about some of the house keeping rules and we were introduced to the "Young ocean explorers" father and daughter who explore all different reefs of the ocean searching for sealife they even have their own t.v show where they show different animals and tips on how to keep our ocean life safe. Our Senior extension group were split into 2 groups 1 group was set a task for one workshop to show students from other schools how we produce our own news network that is played around the whole school and to get them to participate in making their own news network. The other workshop was showing students how to create their own game using scratch code.
The schools that weren't presenting had the choice to either visit other workshops or just set up their own for the up coming rotation. The first workshop our group went to was a robotic workshop. Teaching us all about how to code mini robots and about the makey makey device and also teaching us h
ow to play coding games using an iPad and mini blocks. In the end we were also lucky enough to take a photo with one of the teachers who recently moved from our school to ormiston Junior.
My groups rotation was the scratch game. We were in a crowded room so it was hard to hear what we were saying. We introduced the project scratch and then we presented while roaming around the room helping students with code and teaching them how to make their own game. There were heaps of errors like the sever not connecting or it being to slow and not being able to access the scratch sever. In the end only one game was almost completed all the rest either had their code messed up or just weren't completed.
Overall I think that this being my first time at the GEGNZ summit was a good first impression. The school itself gave us ideas about making our school a better place and also the different workshops about code, sealife and even creating our own characters.

ow to play coding games using an iPad and mini blocks. In the end we were also lucky enough to take a photo with one of the teachers who recently moved from our school to ormiston Junior.

Overall I think that this being my first time at the GEGNZ summit was a good first impression. The school itself gave us ideas about making our school a better place and also the different workshops about code, sealife and even creating our own characters.
Friday, 4 August 2017
I wonder
Ever wondered what it's like to be on the moon? Well with the terms topic being 'Guardians of the galaxy' our whole block has been figuring out some of the questions that have been on our mind about the moon, galaxy, sun and more. We've put our questions into presentations named 'I wonder'. The main point of the presentation was to help us get some ideas about what we want to animate this term, the questions we've asked will be turned into animations showing our answer and the understanding we've come to. Read my groups presentation to find out more about my ideas!
How to look interested when your not...
WALT: Identify the different places, speeches/talks that are given and how they are designed for delivery.
Let’s be honest we’ve all been that one person in class who doesn’t care or understand what the teachers talking about. Well here are some ways to look interested when your really not!
So the first thing you should do is act like you understand what their talking about. If you really don’t understand partner up with someone who does and when they tell you their ideas say you got the same answer. It will make them believe that you understand the subject and also make you look smart.
Second thing to do is raise your hand when the teacher asks questions. It is something to do at your own risk of being chosen but just hope that your teacher doesn’t choose you. If you do get picked and you don’t know the answer there's always that one student that will shout out the answer even though the teacher says not to. Use their answer but put it into your own words and make it sound like that was your idea the whole time.
The last thing to do would be to sit up close to the teacher, teachers usually pick the people at the back which are the noisy ones, the ones who don’t listen. When the teacher stares at you look at someone next to you and act like yous are sharing the same answer. If she continues to stare at you pretend to put your hand up and when she finally looks away put your hand down.
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