Landfill is waste that is dumped into excavated pits. When the landfill is dumped into the pits it begins to rot, and yes if your wondering does it effect the environment. When the rubbish is dumped it is squashed together and buried. This produces a variety of gases including methane gas. This kind of gas is very smelly and dangerous. There are two main ways of dealing with methane one is to burn it off which is called flaring, or to use it as fuel. If you are wondering how methane gas is transferred to the gas stations this is how.

Holes are drilled down into the rubbish and the methane gas is pumped threw pipes to be tested for quality to quantity. If the gas is good then it is transferred in to a barrel at the back of a truck and it is taken to gas stations all around the place, but if it is bad it would have to be flared off. There are two different landfills that could be close to you if you want to throw any of your furniture, electricity, or bikes, there's one in Onehunga at 81 Captain Springs Road or there's one at East Tamaki at 33 Neales Road . It costs thirty eight dollars and forty cents ($48.40).
I think it's a good idea to use landfills to make methane gas, not because it can effect the environment but because, when the rubbish rots most of the rubbish is gone and there is just gas that can be reused.
________________________________________________________________ Task description: Our task was to read the text that our teacher wrote and to complete a blog post about rubbish. Also to tell our reader how to Reduce, reuse and recycle so that it doesn't effect our environment. I learnt that littering is bad because it can effect our environment and we'll have no where to live.
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