
Tuesday, 11 April 2017

A fun weekend

Walt: use the title, introduction, information and conclusion structure.

What's your idea of a fun weekend? In Auckland we have loads of things to do spending time with the family, going out to the beach or even having sleepovers with your friends. Here's some of the things I do during a Fun weekend. 

One idea is to have a big breakfast obviously after you've slept in. It could be bacon and eggs, pancakes, yogurt anything really it's your choice. You could even cook a big breakfast for the family. Breakfast in the weekend is much more better because you don't have to rush around finding something to eat, you can just wake up whenever you want and take your time when making something to eat. 

Another idea is to was to have a sleepover with your friends, you can build forts, watch movies
and the best thing is you can talk for as long as you want and go sleep late at night or early in the morning. The best thing is probably getting snacks when you have sleepovers usually your parents are kinder than normal so they offer to buy snacks so if that's your parent consider yourself lucky.

I hope now you have some ideas of what to do in the weekends to make it a fun weekend, So what would you do to make your weekend fun?


Here is my writing about a fun weekend, it gives you an idea of what you can do in the weekends. Read my writing to find out some of the things you can do to make your weekend fun. 

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